Black Honey Drops (2001)
2001. Black Honey Drops
“Prompted by a deep-reaching Eros“
This rather was my autobiographically based work where I acted out a tragic heroine. Black ink projected onto the floor as a motif within science-fiction visual effects acted as a symbolic metaphor which transformed elements of Eros, tears, and blood.
“Black Honey Drops” is a large, process-oriented production. The piece undertakes an approach to the erotic oeuvre by George Batailles. Through meticulous self-reflection, Takeya tries to fathom what will happen when an individual, prompted by a deep-reaching erotic act, is manoeuvred into a border experience. With her progressive movements, she creates surreal poetry that is at once disquieting and fascinating.
“Black Honey Drops” tries to fulfil this claim of dance as research for an individual’s identities; Again and again, she exposes herself to her feelings and transformations, as much in order to act as to observe herself acting. With Ko Murobushis supervision the observation of the “self” shall be combined with an observation of the “other”.
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ℜ Credits
Choreography, Concept, Performance: Akemi Takeya
Artistic Supervision: Ko Murobushi
Dramaturgy Assistance: Nicole Haitzinger
Visual Design: Krisha
Music : Zbigniew Karkowski
Sound Design: Arnold Haberl
Video: Arash
Costume: Eberhard von Knobloch
Management: Veronica Wunderlich
Production: IMEKA
Duration: 55 min
Supported by: The City of Vienna, Cultural Bureau, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts & Culture
Premiere: on August 12 at the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna, Co-produced by Impulstanz2001