Multiple Space (2001)

2001-02. Multiple Space

“Both components, body & voice, in the course of five acts overlap and interweave more and more”
A continuous development ranging from autonomy and simplicity to complexity on both levels, similar to the evolution in human language acquisition, is created. Each stage of this acoustic development is recorded and replayed during the following act…

Act 1 – “body as installation/attitude”: small circular motions and the sound of breathing
Act 2 – “body as monument”: act 1 plus rhythm which influences and modifies motion and subsequently voice
Act 3 – “body in action”: mirrors the stage of sound production in language acquisition, sounds and noise is produced but yet no complete words
Act 4 – “emotional motion”: sound will be produced and further developed deriving from emotional states such as laughter, crying etc. which are with the help of Japanese onomatopoeia transfigured and modulated
Act 5 – “dance”: finally demonstrates the bodily and linguistic expression in an individual interpretation of the imaginary sound potential of each isolated body

On the whole, a more and more densely overlapped and interwoven pattern of sounds and motion is created in the course of the performance.

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Concept, performance: Akemi Takeya
Live music 1: Christian Fennesz (2001), Sammlung Essel, Austria,
Live music 2: Tetsuo Furudate ( 2002), Transart Festival 02 Italy
Supported by: The City of Vienna, Cultural Bureau, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts & Culture
Duration: 45 min


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